

但是不幸的輸給不算強的Oregon st

所以我們就從全國第一 馬上掉到第八 至今都爬不回前三


更慘的是 雖然O st 在全國輸了四場 (爛隊...)

在Pac-10 聯盟卻跟我們一樣只輸一場

既然兩校都只輸一場 但我們輸的那場剛好輸是他們

在Pac-10排名 我們就輸他們

所以Rose Bowl 我們就很可能打不到了




上禮拜在滑雪勝地 Mammoth 目睹這一季最大的好消息

Oregon st 輸給 Oregon,


他們在pac10聯盟輸兩場   Yes!!

我們只要這禮拜打敗UCLA就可以前進ROSE Bowl.


前兩天 在yahoo看到新聞

USC will pay price to wear home jersey at UCLA



明明是UCLA主場 我們還硬要穿主場球衣 (會不會太驕傲了阿)

所以我們很有可能 還沒開賽就被罰 少兩次喊暫停的機會

USC coach, Pete 真的是太帥了啦~~~

不過最好是不要輸 不然就糗大了


今天晚上有Conquest--- 燒UCLA熊的活動唷!!!!


Conquest!, held the Thursday night before the Trojans beat the UCLA Bruins,

will feature the Trojan Marching Band, senior athletes including the  members

of the football team, USC's world-famous Song Girls, the Spirit Leaders, student

performances, a Ferris wheel, a food village, fireworks, a bonfire and more.



The USC football team has had penalty problems all season long. Only five more teams earn more yellow flags each game.

Saturday at
UCLA, it appears they'll be starting the game with a penalty already called on them.


Brian Cushing and his Trojan teammates are planning on wearing cardinal jerseys Saturday at the Rose Bowl against UCLA.

Monday, USC coach Pete Carroll told the media and his team that they'd be breathing life into a tradition that's been dead since 1982 — where both UCLA and USC wore their home jerseys when the two teams meet.

By wearing their cardinal jerseys Saturday, the Trojans will be penalized and will lose a timeout in each half.

"It might (cost us). I don't know. I don't care about that right now," Carroll said. "We'll play without it. I think it's worth it. I think it's a fun thing to do, and I think our fans will appreciate it over time."

Carroll said he has investigated all avenues that would allow for USC to wear its home colors without penalty.

"I talked to Dave Cutaia [coordinator of football officiating for the Pac-10] about what we could do," Carroll said. "He checked into it in anticipation that it might come up. And, there's nothing we can do about it."

The Orange County Register has reported that the Pac-10 has spoken to the NCAA about changing the rule and could hear back from the NCAA by Tuesday.

Still, Carroll is content to play without the two timeouts if he has to.

"I've been thinking about it for years. I've been trying to restore it. I always thought it was a really cool tradition," he said. "We're finally going to do it and hopefully start a nice tradition."

Carroll said he called UCLA coach
Rick Neuheisel shortly after the former Washington coach took over across town.

"I know Rick liked the idea, too," Carroll said. "We're not trying to surprise them like
Notre Dame

throwing on the green jerseys or something like that."

Carroll said he doesn't feel he's disrespecting UCLA by playing without two timeouts.

"I set it up by talking to him at the start of it. It's not a surprise. I'm not trying to pull

anything over on anybody," Carroll said. "I just think it's a cool thing to do, and maybe it isn't.

We'll find out. I'm not really worried about it."
Offensive coordinator
Steve Sarkisian said the lost timeout won't affect the USC offense.
"It's tradition. It's what this game used to be. It's just like anything," he said. "It's like a call

coming in late, and you have to burn one early in the game.

"I think it's good for the tradition and good for the rivalry. For people who grew up in

Southern California, that's how they know the game."

Retrieved from http://usc.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=884322 


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